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Ongoing Classes

Bala Vainavan classes - USA
Bala Vainavan classes - USA
Cultural & spiritual value based education program based on Sanatana Dharma and particularly on Sri Vaishnava Sampradayam. This series is co-conducted by STD Pathasala and Srishti Tales.


What is a Bala Vainavan class?
Bala Vainavan sessions are regular classes for children, based on Sanatana Dharma and particularly on Sri Vaishnava Sampradayam. This series is co-conducted by STD Pathasala and Srishti Tales.

Our Vision

To impart bhakti and knowledge, illustrating the importance of glorious guru paramparai and kindling within the children the true spirit of a vaishnavite living.

What is your teaching methodology?

Module based lessons curated with stories, songs, stotra paadam, divya prabandha pasurams, drama, art, craft and activities for children aged 4 to 14 years.


Revolving around the festivities of the year, our lesson plans provide perfect opportunity for the children to experience the spirit of a Goshti and celebrate Azhwar Acharyan Thirunakshatrams and festivities.

Past Workshop Series

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